Food innovation laboratory at AIC ADT Baramati Foundation provides assistance for small to mid-sized food entrepreneurs, food professionals, non-profits and community partners undertaking food based projects. The Food Innovation Lab is the premier provider of consulting and coaching services for entrepreneurs, non-profits, and community partners.

Our Food Innovation Lab will offer you guidance, advice, technical support, product development services, and sensory analysis to enable the creation of your product. If your business is eligible, we will help you develop new and existing formulations and/or reformulations, line extensions, and help make cost improvements to produce your desired product.

The food laboratory plays an important role in increasing the sales of food manufacturers.
The Space is designed and developed to promote food innovation-based start-ups. This studio will be made available to self-help groups to formulate innovative food recipes and food products. You will learn to understand the causes and effects of your actions in the kitchen.

There are several types of cooks that can be hired into a kitchen. They can be broken down on which part of the kitchen they work in and their experience.
The chef and student, creating an enriching experience loaded with information. The class will include some light hands-on participation from the students.


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